About Yew Art
Welcome to www.Eiben-Art.com
Your webshop for unique, high-quality and regionally manufactured products made from Swiss yew wood

Fascination and love for the yew as a tree species have been determining my professional career and everyday life for more than 10 years.
Through my employment with the city of Zurich as head of the plant garden in 2012, I was given the honorable task of being able to take care of the offspring of the "Uetliberger yews" in the Albisgüetli forest garden.
In all these years I have grown very fond of the yew as a tree species and its wood, which is only rarely used today!
The yew is a tree species that is rarely found in our forests and is therefore protected in many parts of Europe. This was not always the case, as in earlier times it was found almost everywhere in all of Europe's forests!
You can find out more about this topic in my blog post:

My vision is to convey knowledge about the yew as a tree species with the help of yew art, as well as to arouse enthusiasm and fascination for its beautiful wood!
In addition, I have been busy developing a wide variety of products made of yew wood and manufacturing them in cooperation with various business partners. All Eiben-Art products are produced in a socially responsible, sustainable manner and exclusively in small series in Switzerland. 

All Eiben-Art products are since January 2023


The costly breeding of the yews in the Albisgüetli forest garden should be supported with the (hopefully) increased yew wood sales in the future through yew species, as well as the increased awareness of the "yew topic" and thus be able to benefit additionally.
100% of the yew wood used for Eiben-Art products comes with a guarantee from Switzerland and is used sustainably in accordance with the Swiss Forest Act.
The Uetliberg is home to one of the largest natural deposits of yew in Europe and is one of the main suppliers of yew wood for the Eiben-Art products. The wood used for Eiben-Art products is mostly certified as "Swiss wood" and also as "FSC" wood by the forestry companies that produce it.

Another factor that should be considered when buying Eiben-Art products is that 5% of the annual net profit is donated to the organization "International Eibenfreunde" ! This is an organization that supports the reforestation of the yew in Europe as well as its preservation on a large scale and with a lot of commitment!
You can find more information here: http://www.eibenfreunde.net/
With the income generated, Eiben-Art actively supports reforestation and the continued existence of the European yew through donations and planting campaigns.
The motto
"Protection through use" is actively pursued, the Eiben-Art business should be an example of a sustainable cycle of use!
All Eiben-Art products are "From the yew, for the yew!"
I hope I was able to pass on some yew enthusiasm and fascination to you and I look forward to your purchase and your contact!
With warm regards
Riccardo Dalla Corte